For Viewing, For Having, For Providing A Service to Us, You Agree With Our Terms. home of

21+ Years of Research Experience!

In the united states, "SavingTheWorldTogether" is The Establishment of Religion,
For Freedom, Through Loving Ourselves, Loving One Another and Loving All Our Neighbors.

For Viewing, For Having, For Providing A Service to Us, You Agree With Our Terms. (STWT) Home of

STWT's practice is "Ministers of Love, Good Samaritan Family Neighborhood Ministers", Individual Mistering Members of STWT are the most important of All, for the work of Loving Themselves, Loving All of Us "Ministers of Love...." and Loving All Their/Our Neighbors! 

This is the work that has been neglected for Centuries and Everything we can do for putting all of our resources in the hands of these, our on the County/Parish grounds, Ministers, as part of those working with their County/Parish Sheriffs and NRA members will constructively heal and build our County/Parishes into Safer, More Lovable and Healthy Homes that everyone in their right minds will want to be part of. 

Never Give Up!  Go For It!  Whenever a Church or Non-Profit Organization fails to plan and use all funds for the purposes of benefiting others it was or proposed to be founded on, the organization begins a descent into politics and corruption and the mismanagement of funds and even worse the deceptive use of peoples time and efforts for diabolical despotism, personal gain.   Here is a Google Search on these well established facts

All Videos & Outside Materials in or linked to this website are for general content, not for agreement with use of words, ideas, concepts or religion.

Here is Doug Perry from the "Fellowship of The Mortars" taking on this funding disaster:
Note: This is Not an Approval or Disapproval of Doug Perry's ministries.|

Note: The only place the Christian's Bible Promises Every Person will come to know their Creator, (Which their Bible says is, "Pure Love"), says this will happen ONLY by their actuation of Loving Others like they are told to Love Themselves, the way their Resurrected Creator of All Things in immortalized Human Body, Loves Them and All Creation. It doesn't say anything else, is needed! Other than this Loving, Themselves, Loving One Another and Loving All Their Neighbors (Every One Else, Every Other Human). So, Christians?  Join Us, and Get On With:

"Loving Ourselves, Loving One Another and Loving All Our Neighbors".

Saving The World Together (.org)'s Lagniappe for Recruiters (.us) takes $5.00 [May increase this to $10.00] from each Members, "Minister of Love", "Ministers of Love, Good Samaritan Family Neighborhood Ministers" monthly "Ministers Expense Account" contribution of $20.00 a month and gives it back to the individual Ministers Expense Accounts for use in mission field which is where our Members, Ministers of Love Dwell, Live and Thrive dayly.

Saving The World Together then redistributes the ministry funds putting the funds in the hands of the individual ministers to use for helping others in their County/Parish Community, Neighborhoods, rather than in the hands of a hierarchical top of the chain leadership which always turns into politics and corruption when there is to many surplus funds, instead of using the funds to promote "Loving Ourselves, Loving One Another and Loving All Our Neighbors, which is the only purpose and EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Lagniappe for Recruiters .us figuring (by :Roy: Thompson the one that has a read, write, hear, talk etc Positive Disabilities

NOTE: U May Want to Check the figures yourself)

$5.00 [$10.00] Redistribution from $20.00 Monthly Ministers Expense Account Contribution / Redistribution of Ministry Funds into the hands of 

“Ministers of Love, Good Samaritan Family Neighborhood Ministers",

On the Ground, County/Parish, Community, Neighborhood Ministries.

33 Levels (Counting Down) of Ministers Networking  2 by 2 progression: (Each Level Grows 2X2)

Total $5.00 [$10.00] Distribution of Ministers Funds from monthly $20.00 Contribution.

33 Levels (Counting Down 33 - 01) of Ministers Networking with 

Monthly Redistribution of Funds to Ministers Expense Accounts [$10.00 =$ X 2]

33 Level, Downline Multiplication 01 = 02 @ $0.00 = $0.00 + $0.00 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $0.00 

32 Level, Downline Multiplication 02 = 04 @ $0.00 = $0.00 + $0.00 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $0.00

31 Level, Downline Multiplication 03 = 08 @ $1.00 = $8.00 + $0.00 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $8.00

30 Level, Downline Multiplication 04 = 16 @ $0.00 = $0.00 + $8.00 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $8.00

29 Level, Downline Multiplication 05 = 32 @ $0.00 = $0.00 + $0.00 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $8.00

28 Level, Downline Multiplication 06 = 64 @ $1.00 = $64.00 + $8.00 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $72.00

27 Level, Downline Multiplication 07 = 128 @ $0.10= $12.80 + $72.00 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $80.80

26 Level, Downline Multiplication 08 = 256 @ $0.10 = $25.60 + $80.80 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $105.60

25 Level, Downline Multiplication 09 = 512 @ $0.10 = $51.20 + $105.60 = Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $156.80

24 Level, Downline Multiplication 10 = 1,024 @$0.10 = $102.40 + $156.80 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $259.20

23 Level, Downline Multiplication 11 = 2,048 @$0.10 = $204.80 + $259.20 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $464.00

22 Level, Downline Multiplication 12 = 4,096 @$0.10 = $409.60 + $464.00 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $873.60                               

21 Level, Downline Multiplication 13 = 8,192 @ $0.10 = $819.20 + $873.60 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $1,692.80

20 Level, Downline Multiplication 14 = 16,384 @ $0.10 = $1,638.40 + $1,692.80 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Expense Account $3,331.20

19 Level, Downline Multiplication 15 = 32,768 @ $0.10 = $3,276.80 + $3,331.20 =

 Funds Redistributed 2UR Ministry Expense Account $6,608.00

18 Level, Downline Multiplication 16 = 65,536 @ $0.10 = $6,553.60 + $6,608.00 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Ministry Expense Account $13,161.60

16 Level, Downline Multiplication 17 = 131,072 @ $0.10 = $1,310.72 + $13,161.60 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Ministry Expense Account $144,233.6

15 Level, Downline Multiplication 18 = 262,144 @ $0.10 = $2,621.44 + $144,233.6 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Ministry Expense Account $406,377.6

14 Level, Downline Multiplication 19 = 524,288 @ $0.10 = $5,242.88 + $406,377.6 = 

Funds Redistributed 2UR Ministry Expense Account $930,665.6

13 Level, Downline Multiplication 20 = 1,048,576 @ $0.10 = $1,048,576 + $930,665.6 = 

Funds Redistributed to your STWT Ministry Expense Account here is Over 1 Million Dollars a month! This means that until the end of the month you have over 1 Million Dollars to help your Ministry Self, Other STWT Ministers and Any or All of Your Neighbors in Your County/Parish. 


If one month you find the Ministry Funds in your Ministry Expense Account 

To Much A Burden To Bare! Don't Sweat It! 

Do Not Give It A Second Thought, at the End of the month all the surplus Ministry Funds in your Ministry Expense Account will be redistributed 1 half to all the Ministers of Love, Good Samaritan Family Neighborhood Ministers in your County/Parish and Other Ministers in your County/Parish will help use them for Loving Themselves as STWT Ministers and Loving All of Us Other STWT Ministers and Loving All Their Neighbors in yours and their Neighborhood, Community, County/Parish. How Cool Is That?

See, Monthly Redistribution leagar below:

21 Level to 33 Leve Redistributions:

12 Level, Downline Multiplication 21 =

11 Level, Downline Multiplication 22 =

10 Level, Downline Multiplication 23 =

09 Level, Downline Multiplication 24 =

08 Level, Downline Multiplication 25 =

07 Level, Downline Multiplication 26 =

06 Level, Downline Multiplication 27 =

05 Level, Downline Multiplication 28 =

04 Level, Downline Multiplication 29 =

03 Level, Downline Multiplication 30 =

02 Level, Downline Multiplication 31 =

01 Level, Downline Multiplication 32 =

00 Level, Downline Multiplication 33 =

Monthly Redistribution leagar

LAW 11H) Tells us how Our Distribution of STWT's Ministry Funds Work:

LAW11H) Our Laws of Love & Truth Dynamics & Economics of Ministers & Ministry Projects:

For Safer, Economically, Environmentally, Physically Healthy and Loving Family Neighborhoods. 

e want the best for our County/Parish, Communities, Neighborhoods and desire building self funded Volunteers to help our Local Elected Officers & Local Government by paying Local Sale Tax when using Our Ministry Expense Accounts.

Priority 1: Good Samaritan, Family Neighborhood Ministers Health Needs.
Motto: We Do What We Love Doing, What Needs to Be Done, Love and Help Take Care of Each Others Needs.

Surplus Monthly Funds are distributed to the County/Parish they came from to Ministry Expense Accounts, as follows:
.001% total monthly not used, surplus funds are given to
 Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Offers Association. 

The Remainder divided 50/50 between the following:  

One Half equally to each:
"Ministers of Love, Good Samaritan Family Neighborhood Minister's" 

Expense Accounts [Begins when Programed] where Funds originated. 

STWT practice is "Ministers of Love, Good Samaritan Family Neighborhood Ministers", Individual Mistering Members of STWT are the most important of All for the work of Loving Themselves, Loving All of Us "Ministers of Love...." and Loving All Their/Our Neighbors! 

This is the work that has been neglected for Centuries and Everything we can do for putting all of our resources in the hands of these our on the County/Parish grounds as part of those working with their County/Parish Sheriffs and NRA members will constructively heal and build our County/Parishes into Lovable Healthy Homes that everyone in their right minds will want to be part of. 

The other 1/2 half to Community Services divided equally to Projects 01-10 and Teams 01-08 below describes. 

NOTE: Livelihood Needs = Local Cost of Living.

Note: Up to 6 months save Livelihood Needs > 
doesn't need County/Parish Support Team OK.                                                                                                 

After 6 Months Advance Livelihood Needs Funds are established, All Surplus (Not Used) Funds will be redistributed. 

LAW 11H) Tells us how Our Distribution of STWT's Ministry Funds Work:

LAW11H) Our Laws of Love & Truth
Dynamics & Economics
of Ministers & Ministry Projects: For Safer, Economically, Environmentally, Physically Healthy and
Loving Family Neighborhoods.
We want the best 4 our neighborhoods and communities and desire building self funded Volunteers to help our Local Elected Officers & Local Gov. by paying Local Sale Tax when using Our Ministry Expense Accounts.

Priority 1: Good Samaritan, Family Neighborhood Ministers Health Needs.
Motto: We Do What We Love Doing, What Needs to Be Done, Love and Help Take Care of Each Others Needs.

Surplus Monthly Funds are distributed to the community they where received from Ministry Expense Accounts, as follows:
.001% total monthly not used, surplus funds r given to Constitutional Sheriffs
and Peace Offers Association.

The Remainder divided 50/50 between the following: One Half equally to each:
"Ministers of Love, Good Samaritan Family Neighborhood Minister's" Expense Accounts [Begins when Programed] where Funds originated. The other 1/2 half to Community Services divided equally as shown to ur right> 

Note: Up to 6 months save Livelihood needs does't need Community Team OK.
A) After Developing 1Months Advance Livelihood  Needs, 20% of of Surplus Funds will be redistributed. 

After 6 Months Advance Livelihood Needs Funds are established in Expense Account, All Surplus Funds will be redistributed. 

Livilihood Needs = Local Cost of Living

County/Parish Ministry Projects:

01) Safe & Effective Schools.
02) Library of Needful Things
03) Neighborhood Training Centers for STWT, CSOPA, Farms, Ranges, Offices etc.
04) Sheriffs' Volunteers,
05) Police & Marshals Volunteers,
06) Constitutional Guard Volunteers,
07) Elected Gov. Volunteer Projects,
08) Neighborhood Multipurpose DoctoringConsultants Clinic Centers
09) Neighborhood Emergency Services & "Help Needed" Contingen
cy Fund.
10) Housing for Wounded Warriors +....
Individually to Each of the following Teams
01-Borough/County/Parish Response Team
02-Borough/County/Parish Support Team
03 Wherever Needed Response Team
04 Anonymous Global .... Support Team
05 Data Processing, Cyber Security Team
06 Public Image, Ads & Web Design Team
07-Environmental Maximum Health Team
08-The G.I.F.T.S Team Caravans (Trainers)

This is Non-Amendable Law.

The Information below is further explanation of Our Ministers & Teams:

0) Ministers of Love, Good Samaritan, Family Neighborhood Ministers (No Minimum or Maximum age Limitations)

Priority for team memberships,
1. Veterans: Sheriffs & Sheriffs Deputes, Police, Military, 1st Responders, Security, Investigators etc.
2. Everyone Else with No Minimum or Maximum age limitations.

1) County/Parish Response Teams

2) County/Parish Support Teams

3) Global & Interplanetary Response Team

4) Anonymous Global & Interplanetary Support Team
Nominated by, Elected and only known to County/Parish Support Team Coordinators

5) Global & Interplanetary (& Local if needed) Data Processing & Cyber Security Team
Nominated, Elected by County/Parish Support Teams Coordinators ,
County/Parish Republic Rule of Law Teams and County/Parish RR Team Members.

6) Global & Interplanetary (& Local if needed) Public Image, Advertising, Website, (Alternative, Radio, Television, Internet, Communications, etc. Health & Safety) Design Team for Country/County/Parish or Whatever they are named in the relevant Countries each team services. Coordinators, Nominated and Elected annually after a 360 evaluation by all other Support team Coordinators.

7) Global & Interplanetary (& Local if needed) Environmental Maximum Health Team, For "Maximum Healthy Food™©", Water, Air, Farming & Chef's Practices. Members from this team are to be included with the GIFTS TEAM CARAVAN as needed.

8) STWT's GIFTS Team Caravans. Members may be pulled from all other teams to help in the initiation of Our County/Parish Constitutional/Bill of Rights Agenda

STWT car·a·van  

ˈkerəˌvan/ People traveling together for a clearly defined worthy goal, purpose
 For Safer, Economically, Environmentally, Physically Healthy and Loving Family Neighborhoods  

Saving The World Together's G.I.F.T.S. Team Caravans.
(Note: This is where I :Roy: Thompson STWT's 1st Volunteer Host & Writer wants to serve.
This Team is to be the first boots on the ground of each County/Parish or whatever the geographic area it covers is called at the time.

This Team members maybe at first appointed by and Board of Directors and will include those members of STWT's Original Hosting Team that desires to work with the team. The Teams 1st Deployment is to be Ouachita Parish, Louisiana with Constitutional Sheriff Jay Russell and West Monroe, Louisiana Mayor Stacey Albriten Mitchel with one of the teams going to the poorest place in America, Lake Providence Louisisana.

G.I.F.T.S. stands for

>Gather Information,

>Investigate Needs & Resources & Best ways of disseminating information to local members,

>Facilitate Saving The World Together's (STWT) Strategies,
1) Check in with your County/Parish Sheriff and other Elected Elected Officials.
2) Meeting with all publicly elected officials after doing a background and history check on each one of them and the County/Parish itself. Arrange Meetings of two or more & larger County/Parish group meetings,

>Terraform the County/Parish with an a positive asymmetry of good for "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" information, opportunities, training and real life enhancements that add value and meaning to everyones lives.
Terraform | Define Terraform Revised for STWT from infromation at
terraform. [ter-uh-fawrm] verb (used with object) to alter the environment of (a celestial body or County/Parish/Geographical Area of choice) in order to make capable of supporting an on growing organic healthy Food forest, healthy Water & Pure Clean Air and Loving Opportunities for all peoples and other animal and plant life forms.

>Secure relationships with County/Parish Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officers and National Rifle Association members, and every Elected Town, City, County/Parish elected official and our outreach of healthy service potentials to all of the peoples living in the County/Parish.

Environmental Maximum Health Team, For "Maximum Healthy Food™©", Water, Air, Farming & Chef's Practices.
Members from this team are to be included with the GIFTS TEAM CARAVAN as needed.
The Information above is another way of looking at Our Ministers & Teams:

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 For Viewing, For Having, 

For Providing A Service to Us, You Agree with Our Terms.